Friday, May 6, 2011

Television: Is it getting worse or are we just stupid?

I will admit that I watch a lot of bad television. In my defense I actually get paid to watch horrible shows like Kate Plus 8, Police Women of insert city or county, and all the incarnations of cake/kitchen boss. Can someone explain to me what is the appeal of these or any show on the channels owned by Discovery Communications. First, it appears that Discovery has four basic scripts for all their programming. Secondly, each these shows seem to have bad editing, bad sound, and incredibly horrid camera work. And finally, these treat the viewers like they are extremely stupid. In almost every show the "talents" will tell the viewer something is going to happen, then if the viewer gets to watch a badly edited version of the action, and finally we have to sit through someone telling us what happened.

Every "cooking show" and motorcycle/car building show has the same script. There is always some huge event for which the shop has to make a special item. Then (what a surprise) there is a tight deadline for the build. Now the worst part is the actual build takes about one fourth of the show. The rest of the show centers around the "employees, owners, etc." and their boring personal life. And heaven help is if it's the dysfunctional motorcycle family who have gone beyond belief with their stupidity.

Another type of show that Discovery seems to love is the multiple children exploitation show. I am so sick of stage struck moms, hypocritical "religious" parents, and spoiled children who try to be cute for the camera. It wouldn't be so bad if the episodes weren't so boring. I have a hard time in general watching parents parade their kids in front of the camera like that. To me it's just disgusting.

Okay, the rant is over. It's time to go back and watch another horrible show. Oh look it's a "cooking show". Wonder what event the cupcake ladies are making a giant sculpture covered with mini cupcakes this episode?